The S.M.A.R.T. Supply Module is designed to address all 12 Phases in the JADE Supply chain Circle of Life with real time actions, reporting and data gathering. With all the key information stored in a central location giving all interested and more importantly, responsible parties the ability to access and act on the data from any location in the world at any time of day or night by simply using a web browser.
Instant notification is sent out regarding all activities in the Portal. These notifications act as prompts for users as when to log into the system and perform required actions. Automated follow up messages are designed to queue users that information due is upcoming or is late.
The key element of managing a supplier or a series of suppliers is providing them with all the information they need in a clear and concise manner. Part of the clarity is the way in which the ideas or requests are presented. JADE does this through standardized forms and reports that guide all users throughout the process, whether you are initiating or responding to a request. Being concise becomes easier as everyone accessing the database has a chance to ask questions, fix errors and update information, as it is available. This can and will reduce the amount of meetings, phone and/or videoconferences as well as email and post.